“En un mundo de plástico y ruido quiero ser de barro y silencio”. ...

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Gràcies ratacorner per convidar-me! Molts d,anys!!!
Un plaer tornar a n,aquest espai tan màgic i especial 🤘😍🤘
🎥 oncalavera ricardocalavera
S,edició la he feta jo jugant amb final cut 🙈😅
Salut i Tequila!

#onemanband #livelooping #livemusic #loopstation #rc600 #helix #rock

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Watch the full version of freedom_engine_academy alumni chrisluscious argenisbrito.music and mathewjonson ‘s jam session here ⭐️ ...

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freedom_engine_academy 2024 is delighted to welcome back alumni daniramosmusic and hi.iam.jay for a live jam session in the studio. ...

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Get a free master with any given order! Follow and contact me on instagram for your special offer!
I also do VInyl Mastering!

This is my current outboard mastering chain:

prismsoundrecording mastering grade converters
elysia.audio xpressor for fast transients!
wesaudio m/s mastering compressor
tkaudio.se m/s mastering equalizer
igsaudio 6 times tube equalizer for that gold dust!
looptrotter saturater with THD tame switches!
bettermakerproaudio mastering limiter V2

I only use cables made by enoaudio.de

I buy my gear mainly kmraudiogermany

I am not sponsored - i do it for the love of a great musical experience 🎶🙏🏼

#amazing #audiophiles #analogaudiomastering #djlinus #bettermaker #looptrotter #wesaudio #igs #tklizer2 #masteringengineer

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One week already since my last piece “Forgotten Dreams” is out !!
If you didn’t listen it yet, you can find the link in my Bio.

Mastered by zinomikoreymastering
Label : pianoramix
Cover : dragana_krtinic

#music #steinwayandsons #stringquartet #violon #piano #pianist #postclassical #pianoramix #cello #strings #film #neoclassicalmusic #composer #feltpiano #filmmusic #musiquedefilm #filmcomposer spotifyfrance deezerfr spotifyforartists spotify sadhillfilms

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The Kalimba B11 Elektro model was equipped with a piezo pickup and a 6.35mm jack socket. This allows direct sound pickup on the instrument, without an additional microphone!

Das Kalimba B11 Elektro Modell wurde mit einem Piezo-Tonabnehmer und einer 6,35mm Klinkenbuchse ausgerüstet. Damit ist eine direkte Tonabnahme an dem Instrument, ohne zusätzliches Mikrofon, möglich!

📍 Germany ll Berlin
📸 Photo by enoaudio.de

#Hokema #Kalimba #Sansula #Electro #Handcrafted #Instruments #Kalimbamusic #Music #Melody #Soundjourney #Soundquality #Welovemusic #Worldwide
#Africanunstruments #Foreveryone #Notropicalwoods #Soundlandscape

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